
Welcome to the home of the Above Bar Church Spain Mission Trip 2018! From the 23rd of July, a team from Above Bar Church, Southampton, ...

Sunday 29 July 2018

Rest and Spanish Church

Ollie has been making a video of our first week...

Day 6 and 7!

Today's blog is brought to you by Mark!

Hi all! Here is a very brief update on what we have been up to in beautiful Spain over the last couple of days.

On Friday evening we were treated to a guided, dramatized tour around Azuaga informing us about the lives of 3 famous people who were from Azuaga and went on to do amazing things. It was great to mingle amongst the local people in our team shirts and feel like part of the community. After this finished we went up to the castle and watched the red moon, marvelling at the incredibly bright, visible stars and planets which God created. Some time after we wandered around town where people approached us and we spoke to them about why we are here. The kids especially seemed fascinated by us and it was great to share a little about Jesus to them.

Saturday - (Rest day). After a long, hard week we were granted a well-deserved rest day! This was spent mainly at the pool where further friendships were made. The team had a tremendously fun time sunbathing and getting involved with the large water slide! Others wandered around the town exploring and getting to know the surroundings a bit better. In the evening Josh, Levi and I joined a basketball practice having made friends with one of the team during English classes the day before. It was great to witness friendships forming through sport and to see our team and the local people having such fun together! In the evening things got serious during the Ligretto playing, with Rahela and Anna eventually coming out on top!

Sunday - Today was Church! The service was led by the mission team in a mixture of English and Spanish. Each team member had a role and the Spanish believers really enjoyed our presence. It was so lovely to worship together in Spanish and be united in faith with our Spanish brothers and sisters. Praying together in our different languages was a particular highlight for me, it was so beautiful to share these moments. The team has really grown in their language skills and confidence over the last week and this was reflected in the quality of the service! The local community were really welcoming and happy to see us, it was such a lovely reminder that God’s family transcends language and individual culture.

The sermon which Nick delivered so well was on the parable of the Lost Son. A beautiful parable which always seems to touch people whenever and wherever it’s delivered. We were all reminded of how God’s love for us is so overwhelmingly deep that he longs to be in relationship with us no matter what we have done or however far we stray.  

This evening we shall be off the to the park again with plenty of games and a newly acquired football! Please do continue to pray for us, for confidence and wisdom in how best to preach the Gospel while we're here.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers, each day we are growing in faith and fellowship, forming amazing friendships and blessing this community in the name of Jesus and receiving many blessings in return!

Have fun in England, Sorry to hear the heatwave is over, I think it may have dropped a degree or two here today, so we feel your pain... !

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