
Welcome to the home of the Above Bar Church Spain Mission Trip 2018! From the 23rd of July, a team from Above Bar Church, Southampton, ...

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Settling in

Day 3!

Today's post is brought to you by Josh.

As we continue in our missionary adventures here in Azuaga, we are learning more and more about our host families, the people of the area and the beautiful town itself! Another huge thank you for your valuable support in prayer for God's work here!

As mentioned previously, we made our way to a hill with a castle with believers from Peñarroya and Azuaga. We spent time worshipping in Spanish (God understands everything!) as well as praying, which was heard by God and some of the community.

Later that evening as we wandered around the town, we began to build relationships with some of the young people from the town, talking about what we're doing here. It resulted in them inviting us to a temporary water slide in the street, and we're hoping to see them again this evening. Please be praying for God to be working in their lives, as the Holy Spirit works through us.

This morning, we've met many new people again. Next to "La Casa de Rod" we've been woken up both mornings by road works (not too early fortunately). While taking a photo, one of the builders decided he'd love us to take his photo, as they've seen us walking past multiple times. We had a great conversation talking about why we're here. We are praying that further encounters will allow these men to get to know our awesome heavenly Father! Pray with us!

At the English Language Café, we've received answer to prayer, with many more people than yesterday; pray that more would come in the following days! We talked about what life and culture is like for young people in Azuaga, which is very appropriate considering we have many young people on our team. They're very curious about why we'd come to Azuaga, would love to meet up with more of us, and get to know us better. Once again, please be praying, our God is a powerful God and we can't do this without him!

The kids club team has had another successful day focussing on the theme of family. We did a sketch that the kids found highly amusing, representing charachters such as mum, dad, grandma and brother. They picked up the phrases quickly and have got to know them more deeply. We are already seeing relationships grow and have managed to communicate well via basic Spanish and smiles.
Please continue praying for this growth and that these kids would feel God's love via our deep care for them.

Thanks for your support!

'Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!' - Phillipains 4v4

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